Laser Engraving and Social Responsibility in Boise

Laser Engraving and Laser Cutting fulfill social responsibility requirements by saving on time, materials, and energy.

Environmentally Friendly Considerations About Lasers

Laser Systems provide cleaner and more socially responsible alternatives to some kinds of manufacturing and production. Reductions in energy costs and more efficient planning save time and reduce materials waste.

Laser beam temperatures (approximately 2500 degrees) sometimes cause materials to form new chemical properties. These properties are different than those tested and recorded in Government MSDS sheets.  Manufacturers and industry specialists continue to research the effects of lasers on specific materials and their environmental impact.

Our CO2 Laser System is fully closed and sealed during operation, preventing any human exposure to laser energy or emissions from laser processes. You can view more information about our laser system and its safety features here: Universal Laser Safety

Our Social Responsibility Regarding Laser Engraving and Laser Cutting for Specific Materials

It is commonly known in the laser industry that PVC and Vinyl produce corrosive gases when exposed to laser temperatures. These gases destroy laser optics and present a hazard to human health.  Because we care about our social responsibility and our commitment to the community and the environment, we cannot engrave or cut any of the following materials:

  • PVC or Vinyl in any form
  • Neoprene fabric or Neoprene rubber
  • Kydex
  • Other Rubber and Plastics containing certain forms of chlorine in their chemical composition.

Our Commitment To Social Responsibility

We greatly enjoy using recycled and re-purposed materials in our production processes.  Many of our products include items that would have been discarded in the local land fill.  We have enjoyed creating socially responsible products with some of the following materials:

  • Shed Antlers
  • Broken Tree Branches
  • Cardboard Boxes and Containers
  • Discarded Bicycle Inner Tubes
  • Discarded Designer Leather Home Decor and Upholstery samples
  • Discarded Woolen and Denim Garments
  • Empty Glass Containers and Bottles
  • Empty Plastic Containers
  • Scrap Hardwood Flooring

As our world continues to grow and change, a deeper sense of corporate social responsibility dictates that we must look for increased opportunities to benefit the environment. We look forward to finding new and creative ways to reduce waste and recycle materials in the future.

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